The disturbing continued presence of Brazil’s former president in the US

Dear Senator Warren,

Dear Senator Markey,

Dear Representative Auchincloss,

I am writing to you concerning the presence of Brazil’s former president, Jair Bolsonaro, in Florida, from where he participated in the organization of the attempted coup against Brazil’s elected government in January 8th. According to reports in the media, he came to the US in a diplomatic visa, which is no longer valid. He continues to agitate against Brazil’s democracy while staying in America, without authorization if those reports are true. He is credibly accused of crimes against humanity, possibly including genocide against indigenous groups of the yanomami ethnicity in the Amazon.

This is against US interests. Having Brazil slide into a dictatorship, although perhaps unlikely, would be a big blow to American security. The continued presence of a visible foreign anti-democracy agitator is harmful to American image and influence throughout Latin America. A formal request for extradition, either from Brazil or from the International Crminal Court in Hague, might take a long time, and run into political issues. I believe that it is in the interest of America to take action against him quickly, by investigating his illegal actions and violation of the terms of entry into the country. 

Expulsion from the US or detention by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement seems fully justified. Your attention and that of Massachusetts’s distinguished congressional delegation to this matter might make an enormous positive difference. 

As always I thank you and your staff for the excellent service you provide to your constituents in Massachusetts.

Yours sincerely,

Felipe Pait
