Amy Klobuchar for president

I have been supporting Amy’s run for president since before the NYTimes or the Washington Post endorsed her. (The Times also endorsed Elizabeth Warren, whom I support as well. Those NYTimes folks are not so silly after all.) Tuesday are the primaries in Massachusetts and other states. I have a lawn sign in my home, and will repeat some reasons why.

Amy Klobuchar’s proposals are clear and doable; they are actions that the president can take, and needs to take, as soon as she is elected. Warren’s legislative proposals are also well thought out, sensible, and effective; she will be the best leader of the Senate in history. That is why it is crucially important to choose a presidential candidate who will help carry the elections in Arizona, Maine, Colorado, and other swing states. This candidate is Amy Klobuchar. She is not an ideologue – she is a solid and effective progressive with a clear record to prove it. Whether you agree with all of her platform or only with most of it – and if you read it carefully you do agree – a vote for her is neither a compromise of ideals nor of common sense.

Donald Trump and his Republican Party are a menace not only to the rule of law in the United States, to each citizen of the country, and to the continuity of its democracy and of the republican form of government itself. They are a threat to the survival of civilization. Any sensible voter with a shred of a conscience, a category that unfortunately does not yet include all activists, will vote for whoever wins the Democratic primary. For those of us who will support anyone against the criminal, bigoted, godless psychopathic Nazi-loving traitor who currently occupies the White House, Klobuchar is the correct choice now.
