Alguém na internet brigando contra a Lei Rouanet

A reclamação era que publicar livros do Eugênio Gudin usando a lei seria algo intrinsecamente anti-liberal. Tive que explicar algumas vezes que tanto a lei como o uso das verbas têm impecáveis credenciais liberais. Ah, e navio atraca no porto, avião pousa no aeroporto.

Acho que vou ter que explicar uma última e derradeira vez.

Vamos aceitar o pressuposto que existem impostos. De modo geral o legislativo faz as leis que estabelecem como a arrecadação será utilizada, e o executivo faz os gastos. Uma lei mais liberal seria permitir ao pagador de impostos direcionar o uso de sua contribuição individual. Se concordarmos que não é praticável fazer isso com respeito a todos os impostos, ainda assim podemos aceitar que seja feito com uma pequena fração.

É exatamente isso que faz a Lei Rouanet e suas congêneres estaduais e municipais. Não se trata de verba do tesouro,, mas sim de um direcionamento pelo próprio contribuinte do dinheiro de impostos, precedendo ao seu uso pelo executivo. Tendo estabelecido de forma inquestionável o pedigree liberal dessas leis, vamos examinar o lado do agente cultural.

Todo indivíduo ou empresa busca executar seus objetivos de acordo com suas oportunidades legais e práticas, de forma a maximizar sua satisfação. Considere o caso de uma organização ou indivíduo capaz de oferecer um dado serviço ou bem que está sendo requisitado pela sociedade na forma da lei. Se o estado oferece uma oportunidade de arrecadar fundos para uma atividade, cultural ou comercial, tirar proveito dessa oportunidade é quase que uma obrigação de alguém que é do ramo e acredita na livre-iniciativa.

Quod erat demonstrandum, o programa bem como a utilização referida têm impecáveis credenciais liberais. Quem assim desejar pode agora passar ao mérito prático da Lei Rouanet ou dos livros em questão.

Harassment by Google Ads

I’m being harassed by Google Ads with repeated emails and robocalls concerning a balance for purchases which I have not initiated, authorized, or being informed about.

Below is the content of my exchange with Google Ads representatives.



Below please see copy of message sent yesterday. I reaffirm that the balance is not result of a purchase I made, was not authorized by me, and does not refer to any event that I consented to, was informed, or otherwise had any knowledge of.
Please be advised that the representations made in your email concerning a balance are false, and also be aware that any attempts to obtain money using false representations via electronic correspondence or via telephone robocalls is illegal under the laws of the United States as well as under the Brazilian Penal code section 171.
I respectfully request that you correct your records to reflect the fact the the claims of a balance in my account made by Google Ads are in error.   Furthermore, please be advised that I have no intention of making payments related to billings sent using false pretenses.
Felipe Pait

Allow me to summarize and state again the situation which your emails are concerned with.
1 – I have not in the previous 24 months purchased any goods or services from Google Ads, nor consented that anyone do so in my name.
2 – I have not authorized any charges by Google Ads, manual or automatic, to any account of mine.
3 – The event or events that you refer to as the “campaigns” have not to the best of my knowledge occurred, nor have I been informed of the occurrence of any such event, nor most certainly have I initiated or created any such event or authorized if to be performed.
4 – In the recent days you and other representatives have emailed me copies of support material in some Google Ads website. Although I appreciate the knowledge that help pages would be available, were I to decide to purchase goods or services from Google Ads at any future time, or to authorize charges for any such goods or services, I have not done so in the past 24 months, and the existence of such pages in Google Ads websites is not relevant to the situation under discussion.
5 – Any charges or balances or bills mentioned by Google Ads representatives are not the product of any activity that was initiated by me, authorized by me, or communicated to me.
In conclusion, any statement by any Google Ads representative that is not in accordance with points 1 through 5 above is incorrect, unsupported, and false. I respectfully request that Google Ads correct any internal documents to reflect the facts stated in the present email. Failure to do so would constitute use of electronic communication in a misrepresentation of a material fact to obtain money.
I also request that Google Ads cease and desist from continuing with this sequence of communications referring to charges that, as Google Ads has been fully informed, were not authorized by me. While I appreciate the polite tone of the emails I have received, this has gone beyond a simple nuisance and has turned into harassment by electronic communication, as have felt compelled to answer in length and with considerable expenditure of time, while Google Ads representatives simply cut and paste sections of text available on the internet which are unrelated to the facts at hand and do not support their false claims.
Felipe Pait